Hi again Readers!
Have you ever wondered what children are doing in schools nowadays? Well, if you’re an educator you know what’s going on, but the rest of you may not. Times have changed from just teaching using only the whiteboards, paperback books, and even flashcards. Now, children of this generation are using technology in the classrooms using iPads, laptops, smartphones. I know what some of you readers out there are thinking. Yes, children and adolescents always seem to be glued to the screen which is bad for them. But is it? Sure it can cause some eye damage if you placed the screen too close to your face, but why shy away from using technology as a tool rather than a weapon? While there have been some backlash about children and adolescents using too much technology in their lives, it does seem to be playing a key role in their education. Video games, such as Minecraft, are the new craze on teaching new skills to children that may help their academic achievement and social interactions. Laptops, too, give life to children when they are able to use them in the classrooms. Now, let’s dive into the research to see what really are the positives.
Varieties of technologies are used in the classroom that contain meaningful sentiments to children in schools, like being able to use a computer. A study by Daniels (2004) asked teachers about students’ motivation in school with the presence of technology. The study found that students were more excited to use the technology when writing and students’ writing stamina increased. It indicates students feel great and empowered using computers and has positive effects on their academic achievements. Meaning that if children can use computers in the classroom, they have a chance wanting to write assigned essays and feel good about it than before. E-books (electronic books), as well, give new opportunities to use technology in the classroom to promote learning. Readers, I still know some of you are skeptical of moving away from plain old paper book. But the research does not lie in this area. Researcher, Ihmeideh (2014), studied the comparison of eBooks to printed books and it’s potential gap in emerging literacy skills. The research found that when children are given eBooks, those children performed the same or better in literacy skills compared to children who only read from the printed books. Using technology improves mathematics too! Children within a study by Volk, Cotic, Zajc and Starcic (2017), showed higher conceptual and procedural knowledge with tablet use. Researchers have recommended using tablets as they have shown to increase learning in the developmental domains of children. I’m not saying that you should only have your children use tablets and computers, but it does seem to be helping children in these studies. It is all about the research.
Let’s talk about video games now! Video games are fun and exciting for people of all ages, including myself on occasion. But you may wonder how they would even help promote positive development of children in the classroom. Like I said before, video games are the new craze in the educational department, specifically Minecraft. If you do not know what Minecraft fully entails, I advise you to check out my podcast under Tip #4 where I compare Minecraft to The Oregon Trail game. Anyways, Minecraft brings the advantages of allowing teachers to implement their own personal touch within the game which consist of assessments and curriculum. This game can be used as an educational tool to spark strategic and critical thinking skills. Not only that, but the game can be used to spark interests and create deeper understanding in scientific concepts. It’s not only Minecraft though that helps students grow positively. Other educational games that connect students to other students have benefits of positive social interactions and reduction of isolation. These games have students help other students by encouraging through online video game interactions. See! Not all video games are meant to harm children and cause them to have aggressive behaviors. That’s just correlation, not causation anyways silly Readers.
Ok my readers, let’s start to think about the positives of technology in the classrooms not those negative thoughts you all had before. Children today are using technology in classroom settings and at home, so why stop them? Technology, like video games, is not always meant to hurt the learning of children. Today, advancement in technology have leaned towards helping more than hurting. I encourage you all to reevaluate your previous thoughts about technology and children. There are lots of ways, we adults, can help provide support with children’s use of technology. You all can try encouraging the use of a Kindle or maybe even a iPad to read a story together. Educators can try to implement the use of games in learning activities that may bring positive social interactions and leaning to children. My favorite though of them all is having children create their own projects with the use of Minecraft, like making their California Mission project. I hope my words of wisdom may help you look at educational technology in a better light and encouragers you all to promote the use of these in children’s lives.
Logging off,
Skyler Gin
